Monday, December 04, 2006


So apparently I can post at Soggy Cheerios but no one can comment? That doesn't work for me. I'm working on it. Until then answer me this:

What kind of digital camera do you have? Do you love it? Ours is 1 1/2 years old and isn't working (grrr). I've not been overly impressed (Kodak easyshare) and was looking online last night (is window shopping online evil on the sabbath?) and was shocked at the cameras that are in the same pricerange as our dead/dying one is but how many more mpegs they have! So tell me why or why not to get a camera like yours.


Valarie said...

I recommend a canon powershot with a model number starting with A (A540, A620, etc). We have the A95, which is now two years old. I can't believe how much more we could get now for the same price.

They don't use proprietary memory cards like Sony (stay away from Sony), so you can find them for reasonable prices. They use AA batteries, which means you can get a good set of rechargable ones, but aren't screwed if your battery dies on vacation and you're nowhere near a charger. Any AAs will work. They're consitently well rated and take quality photographs.

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

I have a Kodak Easyshare. Ha ha ha ha!

Nettie said...

I don't know what mine is. It is older than the hills and no longer reliable. I usually just use my husband's Canon EOS 20D. It was spendy, but actually makes me think I can take good pictures!

(I copied and pasted your sugar cookie recipe. I was just thinking yesterday that I wanted a soft version of sugar cookies this year, and Ta Da! A recipe appears!)

Maria said...

I suggest the website

Good reviews, and good prices!

Lee said...

I have a Canon A95 also! I really like it. But they don't make it anymore. I really really like Canon!!
I am getting a Canon Rebel XTi sometime this year though.