Good news from Ashley's teacher!
Ashley's been struggling a little with reading. As of testing in November she wasn't where she needed to be for her grade level. Her teacher assured us it wasn't time to panic yet since most kids in first grade either get it right away and take off- or just after Christmas break things click and they take off. She felt like Ashley was almost to that point and was expecting things to click soon. Of course she encouraged us to continue to work with her at home. Today she sent home this note:
Mr, Mrs. P,
I am so impressed with the improvement Ashely has made in her reading. I re-tested her today. She finished at a level 12 - that means she is at a late 1st grade level. She started at a level 3. By the end of the year she will be at an early to mid 2nd grade level. great job!
YAY! I'm so happy. I've noticed a huge improvement too- most of it is in her confidence. I'm just glad that she's getting it though.