In other news...
My mom sold her house in Utah. She's moving to Las Vegas. She put an offer (that was accepted) on a house that is a seven minute walk from mine. YAY! This will add a new dynamic to our relationship- we've never lived in the same town since I graduated from High School. I'm excited that she'll be close though- and she's excited too. It'll be great in so many ways.
The house is a year old and has never been lived in. It was bought as an investment from a couple that lived in CA. They recently moved to Arkansas and didn't leave a forwarding phone number- a situation that the realtor had never come across before. So the offer was put on the house on Friday and she just found out today that they accepted it.
It's 1888 sqft, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, tiny backyard (that will be easy to maintain) huge living area, beautiful kitchen with granite countertops... it's a nice house- in a nice neighborhood (mine). YAY! (Can I say that enough??)