Thursday, September 21, 2006

Long day! But good news. ..

So I had extra kids sleep over last night. So this morning I had two kids to get ready for school. Luckily 7 year olds get ready by themselves- they just need nagging. Then once they were out the door I got 5 kids in the car to take Megan to preschool. Then home to nap both babies. Then back 2 1/2 hours later to pick her up, then home for a rushed lunch, then out the door to take the other Megan to kindergarten, then dropped my kids + one extra off at my moms. Then I went to the foot doctor where I waited for 3 1/2 hours. (Ugg) Costco run and then I went to pick up my kids and they were all sleeping. So I crashed at my mom's for an hour- until she kicked me out since she had company coming for dinner. Then home to rush through dinner and now we're on the way out the door again since Steve has an audit tonight and I've got Bunco. The girls are going to a friend's house and steve's picking them up when he's done. Whew! So I've been gone all day- but hi! What have you been up to??

The good news? No more boot on my foot! At least as long as it feels well. If it starts to hurt then I have to put it back on for another week

In other good news? I've not taken any narcotic pain killer (or any pain killer) for more then 24 hours. Woo!! I may not be an addict after all!


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Glad yer foot's better. You'll need it for all the pole dancing we'll be doing in honor of your birthday next week.

Amber said...

shh! I've not told Steve yet!

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

did you win at bunco? i haven't played that in so long. and yer crazy! that's a lot of kids and running around for a girl with a gimpy foot.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're better too!

Your life sounds crazy like mine, but with all those children added!

I am SO GLAD my children are big now. I will never ever do that little child thing again.

QueenMeadow said...

Yay for a better foot!

KAT said...

Congrats on not being addicted.