Happy Birthday to Annika!
Happy Birthday Annika! I can't believe that you're three! You seem more and more grown up every day- but insist on a daily basis that 'I little' if I even think to suggest that you're getting bigger. You have a killer smile- and have from day one.
You're also a little bit compulsive. Even tonight while opening presents you took one present off the table, opened it and then put it back on the table before opening another .
You are a charmer. Everyone who meets you thinks so. You also put on a good act. You are my little miss stubborn. We love your cheeks. The dimples on top and the dimples on bottom. You've got a butt that just won't quit. You're going to hate it when you're older, but for now it's so darn cute!
Happy Birthday Annika! Love you girly!
I remember when you were still pregnant w/her and hoping not to have her in Utah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIKA!!!
Really 3? WOW! I still remember when you were waiting to have her. Happy Birthday Princess!!
Very cute!
AWWW!! Happy late birthday sweet girl!
I'll try commenting 1 more time...
Annika has her mama's smile :)
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